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Quantum Healing HypnosisTechnique



Why would someone wish to experience a QHH Session? Any number of reasons!

Some people are looking for help with healing a physical issue or disease. Other people have emotional issues or relationship problems. Some people want to know what their life purpose is, or if they are on the right path. Still others have questions about reality and consciousness itself and are looking for answers.

During a QHH Session you may experience one or more "lives" and discover deep and profound connections to your current life situation.  Then, we make a connection to your Higher Self or Oversoul, that part of us that Dolores Cannon calls the Subconscious . There we can ask for answers and appropriate healing.

Dolores Cannon and QHHT History and Information

Dolores Cannon, has been practicing her method for 45 years. You can read more about her HERE and more about the method she teaches and I practice HERE.


The Dedicated Practitioner Program and Videos

I am proud to say that I am a QHHT Dedicated Practitioner. I participate in a worldwide online Community of other Dedicated Practitioners and I stay in contact with other DPs and with Dolores for continuing Education and Support.

I wasn’t sure if I could really be hypnotized but I really wanted to try it because of what I knew about the potential of quantum healing hypnosis therapy.  It turned out that Pat was the perfect person to gently guide me through the whole process.  And even though I don’t tend to “see” things with my inner eye, during my session she helped me to open my accessibility to the information that was there.  That was the key for me.  It was a special session and I’m glad I have the recording to listen to it again.  We are lucky to have someone like Pat in our area!




Rate per 3-5 hour session - $400
         Digitally Recorded 

The hypnosis session with Pat was a wonderfully insightful experience. I had the sense of forging a new path of awareness and confidence in who I am and where I have been. Its also wonderful to have a recording of the session to listen to again and again. I highly recommend this technique for anyone either searching for answers or seeking an inner connection. It did both for me.



Worldwide List of QHHT Dedicated Practitioners
Thousands of men and women all over the world have taken QHHT training from Dolores.  To see this list, or to find a practitioner close to you, check this out.



I've been interested in life after death since the age of 12 and practically obsessed with doing past life regression since I read a book about it 10 years ago. Having had an unsatisfying, inconclusive regression with another person, I was hoping to get more from my experience with Pat. And I did.


I would call the visit to past lives nothing less than cathartic. It's hard to be thinking, "I made this all up in my head," when I'm sobbing about the death of my son in that life. All the while a voice in my head is saying, "Geez, I don't even know this kid." 


Pat helped me process the themes of that life and see what was relevant about it to my current journey. I'm so thankful we recorded it, because my Subconscious had a LOT to say and I'd hardly have remembered 10% of it. This amazing, eternal wisdom changed my life as well as the lives of those with whom I shared it. It gives such a sense of perspective and peace. Pat's gentle guidance, humor and empathy made this very unusual experience feel safe and natural. I treasure it.



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